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Task 3

Our New Product 


           The product we have designed will be different than the products designed by ZenRobotics or MSS. Our robot will sort through bottles and cans that are in regular trash cans of sidewalks. It will be slower than other highly developed robots on the market, but will be astoundingly more cost-efficient because of its relatively simple design and structure. The first step to getting our product manufactured will be to regulate where this will be used. Although it is amazing to envision a future where every trash bin could be plugged in with our robot, it would be unrealistic for the near future. So, we would most likely install our products in landfill and waste management facilities, where bottles, soda cans, glass bottles, and tin cans could be sled down a chute and into our robot. Our process will be beneficial for workers who normally are exposed to toxic and hazardous wastes in management plants.

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